News > Digital signing of TIFF records

Digital signing of TIFF records

Using the IMiS client, the electronic TIFF records can be digitally signed as well. The digital signature is used together with the digital certificate for verification of electronic records. It enables recognition of the signer, confirms the record has not been modified and provides the source of the signed content.

The digital signatures become invalid in case of any unauthorised changes of the record.
When there are more co-signers of the same initial records, the signing is done in parallel. In case of a multi-levelled signing of records, the signing is done sequential. The digital signature and its graphic image, digital certificate information, signature reason and comment can be visible on any page of the record or it can stay hidden in the background.

Example 1: Record with one valid signature.
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Example 2: Record with one invalid signature.
The signature is invalid when an unauthorised change has been made on the binary level and it does not affect the visual presentation or when a change has been made, which affects the visualisation but is masked.
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Example 3: Record with two signatures, from which the first one is valid and the second one is invalid.
This is the case of in parallel signing. Both signers have signed the same record, but an unauthorised change of the digital signature content, not the record content itself has occurred (the signature is now invalid).
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