News > New release of IMiS/Storage Connector Services REST/SOAP 9.10.2310 and IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA/.NET 10.4.2310 modules is available

New release of IMiS/Storage Connector Services REST/SOAP 9.10.2310 and IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA/.NET 10.4.2310 modules is available

We’re announcing the new version of the IMiS/Storage Connector Services REST/SOAP and IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA/.NET modules with the following functionalities:

IMiS/Storage Connector Services REST 9.10.2310
New functionalities:
• Uses an external cache.
• Reads an entity collection in the CSV format.
• Returns the “timestamped” entity property.

Enhancements and changes:
• Improved return of INT64 types in the form of a JSON string.
• Improved read and return of the Range and Content Range header.
• Improved import of review decisions in the CSV format.
• Improved entity import with an electronic message.

IMiS/Storage Connector Services SOAP 9.10.2310
New functionalities:
• Reads an entity collection in the CSV format.
• Returns the “timestamped” entity property.
• Uses an external cache.

Enhancements and changes:
• Improved entity import with an electronic message.
• Improved return of INT64 types in the form of a JSON string.
• Improved read and return of the Range and Content Range header.
• Improved import of review decisions in the CSV format.

IMiS/Storage Connector .NET 10.4.2310
New functionalities:
• Enables using an external cache in the Iarchive interface.
• Added the “Id” property in the IBinaryValue, IStringMaxValue interfaces.
• Added the “Timestamped” property in the IEntity, IEntityStub interfaces.

Enhancements and changes:
• Reconnecting with IMiS/ARChive Server when the connection is interrupted, when reading and saving an object from unstructured storage, and when reading the audit trail.

IMiS/Storage Connector JAVA 10.4.2310
New functionalities:
• Enables using an external cache in the IArchive interface.
• Added the “getId()” property in the IBinaryValue, IStringMaxValue interfaces.
• Added the “timestamped()” property in the IEntity, IEntityStub interfaces.

Enhancements and changes:
• Reconnecting with IMiS®/ARChive Server when the connection is interrupted, when reading and saving an object from unstructured storage, and when reading the audit trail.